\r\n \r\n >\r\n );\r\n};\r\n\r\nexport default AccountLayout;\r\n","var _path, _circle, _polyline, _circle2;\nvar _excluded = [\"title\", \"titleId\"];\nfunction _extends() { _extends = Object.assign ? Object.assign.bind() : function (target) { for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) { var source = arguments[i]; for (var key in source) { if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(source, key)) { target[key] = source[key]; } } } return target; }; return _extends.apply(this, arguments); }\nfunction _objectWithoutProperties(source, excluded) { if (source == null) return {}; var target = _objectWithoutPropertiesLoose(source, excluded); var key, i; if (Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) { var sourceSymbolKeys = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(source); for (i = 0; i < sourceSymbolKeys.length; i++) { key = sourceSymbolKeys[i]; if (excluded.indexOf(key) >= 0) continue; if (!Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable.call(source, key)) continue; target[key] = source[key]; } } return target; }\nfunction _objectWithoutPropertiesLoose(source, excluded) { if (source == null) return {}; var target = {}; var sourceKeys = Object.keys(source); var key, i; for (i = 0; i < sourceKeys.length; i++) { key = sourceKeys[i]; if (excluded.indexOf(key) >= 0) continue; target[key] = source[key]; } return target; }\nimport * as React from \"react\";\nfunction SvgLogoutIcon(_ref, svgRef) {\n var title = _ref.title,\n titleId = _ref.titleId,\n props = _objectWithoutProperties(_ref, _excluded);\n return /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(\"svg\", _extends({\n id: \"Layer_1\",\n xmlns: \"http://www.w3.org/2000/svg\",\n xmlnsXlink: \"http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink\",\n x: \"0px\",\n y: \"0px\",\n viewBox: \"0 0 161.2 161.2\",\n enableBackground: \"new 0 0 161.2 161.2\",\n xmlSpace: \"preserve\",\n ref: svgRef,\n \"aria-labelledby\": titleId\n }, props), title ? /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(\"title\", {\n id: titleId\n }, title) : null, _path || (_path = /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(\"path\", {\n className: \"path\",\n fill: \"none\",\n stroke: \"#0acf97\",\n strokeMiterlimit: 10,\n d: \"M425.9,52.1L425.9,52.1c-2.2-2.6-6-2.6-8.3-0.1l-42.7,46.2l-14.3-16.4 c-2.3-2.7-6.2-2.7-8.6-0.1c-1.9,2.1-2,5.6-0.1,7.7l17.6,20.3c0.2,0.3,0.4,0.6,0.6,0.9c1.8,2,4.4,2.5,6.6,1.4c0.7-0.3,1.4-0.8,2-1.5 c0.3-0.3,0.5-0.6,0.7-0.9l46.3-50.1C427.7,57.5,427.7,54.2,425.9,52.1z\"\n })), _circle || (_circle = /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(\"circle\", {\n className: \"path\",\n fill: \"none\",\n stroke: \"#0acf97\",\n strokeWidth: 4,\n strokeMiterlimit: 10,\n cx: 80.6,\n cy: 80.6,\n r: 62.1\n })), _polyline || (_polyline = /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(\"polyline\", {\n className: \"path\",\n fill: \"none\",\n stroke: \"#0acf97\",\n strokeWidth: 6,\n strokeLinecap: \"round\",\n strokeMiterlimit: 10,\n points: \"113,52.8 74.1,108.4 48.2,86.4 \"\n })), _circle2 || (_circle2 = /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(\"circle\", {\n className: \"spin\",\n fill: \"none\",\n stroke: \"#0acf97\",\n strokeWidth: 4,\n strokeMiterlimit: 10,\n strokeDasharray: \"12.2175,12.2175\",\n cx: 80.6,\n cy: 80.6,\n r: 73.9\n })));\n}\nvar ForwardRef = /*#__PURE__*/React.forwardRef(SvgLogoutIcon);\nexport default __webpack_public_path__ + \"static/media/logout-icon.c3043eb578505546e9b3f21dd0b5f155.svg\";\nexport { ForwardRef as ReactComponent };","/**\n * returns true if the given object is a promise\n */\nexport function isPromise(obj) {\n return obj && typeof obj.then === 'function';\n}\nexport var PROMISE_RESOLVED_FALSE = Promise.resolve(false);\nexport var PROMISE_RESOLVED_TRUE = Promise.resolve(true);\nexport var PROMISE_RESOLVED_VOID = Promise.resolve();\nexport function sleep(time, resolveWith) {\n if (!time) time = 0;\n return new Promise(function (res) {\n return setTimeout(function () {\n return res(resolveWith);\n }, time);\n });\n}\nexport function randomInt(min, max) {\n return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1) + min);\n}\n\n/**\n * https://stackoverflow.com/a/8084248\n */\nexport function randomToken() {\n return Math.random().toString(36).substring(2);\n}\nvar lastMs = 0;\nvar additional = 0;\n\n/**\n * returns the current time in micro-seconds,\n * WARNING: This is a pseudo-function\n * Performance.now is not reliable in webworkers, so we just make sure to never return the same time.\n * This is enough in browsers, and this function will not be used in nodejs.\n * The main reason for this hack is to ensure that BroadcastChannel behaves equal to production when it is used in fast-running unit tests.\n */\nexport function microSeconds() {\n var ms = Date.now();\n if (ms === lastMs) {\n additional++;\n return ms * 1000 + additional;\n } else {\n lastMs = ms;\n additional = 0;\n return ms * 1000;\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * Check if WebLock API is supported.\n * @link https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Web_Locks_API\n */\nexport function supportsWebLockAPI() {\n if (typeof navigator !== 'undefined' && typeof navigator.locks !== 'undefined' && typeof navigator.locks.request === 'function') {\n return true;\n } else {\n return false;\n }\n}","import { microSeconds as micro, PROMISE_RESOLVED_VOID } from '../util.js';\nexport var microSeconds = micro;\nexport var type = 'native';\nexport function create(channelName) {\n var state = {\n messagesCallback: null,\n bc: new BroadcastChannel(channelName),\n subFns: [] // subscriberFunctions\n };\n\n state.bc.onmessage = function (msg) {\n if (state.messagesCallback) {\n state.messagesCallback(msg.data);\n }\n };\n return state;\n}\nexport function close(channelState) {\n channelState.bc.close();\n channelState.subFns = [];\n}\nexport function postMessage(channelState, messageJson) {\n try {\n channelState.bc.postMessage(messageJson, false);\n return PROMISE_RESOLVED_VOID;\n } catch (err) {\n return Promise.reject(err);\n }\n}\nexport function onMessage(channelState, fn) {\n channelState.messagesCallback = fn;\n}\nexport function canBeUsed() {\n // Deno runtime\n // eslint-disable-next-line\n if (typeof globalThis !== 'undefined' && globalThis.Deno && globalThis.Deno.args) {\n return true;\n }\n\n // Browser runtime\n if ((typeof window !== 'undefined' || typeof self !== 'undefined') && typeof BroadcastChannel === 'function') {\n if (BroadcastChannel._pubkey) {\n throw new Error('BroadcastChannel: Do not overwrite window.BroadcastChannel with this module, this is not a polyfill');\n }\n return true;\n } else {\n return false;\n }\n}\nexport function averageResponseTime() {\n return 150;\n}\nexport var NativeMethod = {\n create: create,\n close: close,\n onMessage: onMessage,\n postMessage: postMessage,\n canBeUsed: canBeUsed,\n type: type,\n averageResponseTime: averageResponseTime,\n microSeconds: microSeconds\n};","\n/**\n * this is a set which automatically forgets\n * a given entry when a new entry is set and the ttl\n * of the old one is over\n */\nexport class ObliviousSet {\n public readonly map = new Map();\n\n /**\n * Creating calls to setTimeout() is expensive,\n * so we only do that if there is not timeout already open.\n */\n public _to: boolean = false;\n constructor(\n public readonly ttl: number\n ) { }\n\n has(value: T): boolean {\n return this.map.has(value);\n }\n\n add(value: T): void {\n this.map.set(value, now());\n\n /**\n * When a new value is added,\n * start the cleanup at the next tick\n * to not block the cpu for more important stuff\n * that might happen.\n */\n if (!this._to) {\n this._to = true;\n setTimeout(() => {\n this._to = false;\n removeTooOldValues(this);\n }, 0);\n }\n }\n\n clear() {\n this.map.clear();\n }\n}\n\n\n/**\n * Removes all entries from the set\n * where the TTL has expired\n */\nexport function removeTooOldValues(\n obliviousSet: ObliviousSet\n) {\n const olderThen = now() - obliviousSet.ttl;\n const iterator = obliviousSet.map[Symbol.iterator]();\n\n /**\n * Because we can assume the new values are added at the bottom,\n * we start from the top and stop as soon as we reach a non-too-old value.\n */\n while (true) {\n\n const next = iterator.next().value;\n\n if (!next) {\n return; // no more elements\n }\n const value = next[0];\n const time = next[1];\n if (time < olderThen) {\n obliviousSet.map.delete(value);\n } else {\n // We reached a value that is not old enough\n return;\n }\n }\n}\n\nexport function now(): number {\n return Date.now();\n}\n\n\n","export function fillOptionsWithDefaults() {\n var originalOptions = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : {};\n var options = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(originalOptions));\n\n // main\n if (typeof options.webWorkerSupport === 'undefined') options.webWorkerSupport = true;\n\n // indexed-db\n if (!options.idb) options.idb = {};\n // after this time the messages get deleted\n if (!options.idb.ttl) options.idb.ttl = 1000 * 45;\n if (!options.idb.fallbackInterval) options.idb.fallbackInterval = 150;\n // handles abrupt db onclose events.\n if (originalOptions.idb && typeof originalOptions.idb.onclose === 'function') options.idb.onclose = originalOptions.idb.onclose;\n\n // localstorage\n if (!options.localstorage) options.localstorage = {};\n if (!options.localstorage.removeTimeout) options.localstorage.removeTimeout = 1000 * 60;\n\n // custom methods\n if (originalOptions.methods) options.methods = originalOptions.methods;\n\n // node\n if (!options.node) options.node = {};\n if (!options.node.ttl) options.node.ttl = 1000 * 60 * 2; // 2 minutes;\n /**\n * On linux use 'ulimit -Hn' to get the limit of open files.\n * On ubuntu this was 4096 for me, so we use half of that as maxParallelWrites default.\n */\n if (!options.node.maxParallelWrites) options.node.maxParallelWrites = 2048;\n if (typeof options.node.useFastPath === 'undefined') options.node.useFastPath = true;\n return options;\n}","/**\n * this method uses indexeddb to store the messages\n * There is currently no observerAPI for idb\n * @link https://github.com/w3c/IndexedDB/issues/51\n * \n * When working on this, ensure to use these performance optimizations:\n * @link https://rxdb.info/slow-indexeddb.html\n */\n\nimport { sleep, randomInt, randomToken, microSeconds as micro, PROMISE_RESOLVED_VOID } from '../util.js';\nexport var microSeconds = micro;\nimport { ObliviousSet } from 'oblivious-set';\nimport { fillOptionsWithDefaults } from '../options.js';\nvar DB_PREFIX = 'pubkey.broadcast-channel-0-';\nvar OBJECT_STORE_ID = 'messages';\n\n/**\n * Use relaxed durability for faster performance on all transactions.\n * @link https://nolanlawson.com/2021/08/22/speeding-up-indexeddb-reads-and-writes/\n */\nexport var TRANSACTION_SETTINGS = {\n durability: 'relaxed'\n};\nexport var type = 'idb';\nexport function getIdb() {\n if (typeof indexedDB !== 'undefined') return indexedDB;\n if (typeof window !== 'undefined') {\n if (typeof window.mozIndexedDB !== 'undefined') return window.mozIndexedDB;\n if (typeof window.webkitIndexedDB !== 'undefined') return window.webkitIndexedDB;\n if (typeof window.msIndexedDB !== 'undefined') return window.msIndexedDB;\n }\n return false;\n}\n\n/**\n * If possible, we should explicitly commit IndexedDB transactions\n * for better performance.\n * @link https://nolanlawson.com/2021/08/22/speeding-up-indexeddb-reads-and-writes/\n */\nexport function commitIndexedDBTransaction(tx) {\n if (tx.commit) {\n tx.commit();\n }\n}\nexport function createDatabase(channelName) {\n var IndexedDB = getIdb();\n\n // create table\n var dbName = DB_PREFIX + channelName;\n\n /**\n * All IndexedDB databases are opened without version\n * because it is a bit faster, especially on firefox\n * @link http://nparashuram.com/IndexedDB/perf/#Open%20Database%20with%20version\n */\n var openRequest = IndexedDB.open(dbName);\n openRequest.onupgradeneeded = function (ev) {\n var db = ev.target.result;\n db.createObjectStore(OBJECT_STORE_ID, {\n keyPath: 'id',\n autoIncrement: true\n });\n };\n return new Promise(function (res, rej) {\n openRequest.onerror = function (ev) {\n return rej(ev);\n };\n openRequest.onsuccess = function () {\n res(openRequest.result);\n };\n });\n}\n\n/**\n * writes the new message to the database\n * so other readers can find it\n */\nexport function writeMessage(db, readerUuid, messageJson) {\n var time = Date.now();\n var writeObject = {\n uuid: readerUuid,\n time: time,\n data: messageJson\n };\n var tx = db.transaction([OBJECT_STORE_ID], 'readwrite', TRANSACTION_SETTINGS);\n return new Promise(function (res, rej) {\n tx.oncomplete = function () {\n return res();\n };\n tx.onerror = function (ev) {\n return rej(ev);\n };\n var objectStore = tx.objectStore(OBJECT_STORE_ID);\n objectStore.add(writeObject);\n commitIndexedDBTransaction(tx);\n });\n}\nexport function getAllMessages(db) {\n var tx = db.transaction(OBJECT_STORE_ID, 'readonly', TRANSACTION_SETTINGS);\n var objectStore = tx.objectStore(OBJECT_STORE_ID);\n var ret = [];\n return new Promise(function (res) {\n objectStore.openCursor().onsuccess = function (ev) {\n var cursor = ev.target.result;\n if (cursor) {\n ret.push(cursor.value);\n //alert(\"Name for SSN \" + cursor.key + \" is \" + cursor.value.name);\n cursor[\"continue\"]();\n } else {\n commitIndexedDBTransaction(tx);\n res(ret);\n }\n };\n });\n}\nexport function getMessagesHigherThan(db, lastCursorId) {\n var tx = db.transaction(OBJECT_STORE_ID, 'readonly', TRANSACTION_SETTINGS);\n var objectStore = tx.objectStore(OBJECT_STORE_ID);\n var ret = [];\n var keyRangeValue = IDBKeyRange.bound(lastCursorId + 1, Infinity);\n\n /**\n * Optimization shortcut,\n * if getAll() can be used, do not use a cursor.\n * @link https://rxdb.info/slow-indexeddb.html\n */\n if (objectStore.getAll) {\n var getAllRequest = objectStore.getAll(keyRangeValue);\n return new Promise(function (res, rej) {\n getAllRequest.onerror = function (err) {\n return rej(err);\n };\n getAllRequest.onsuccess = function (e) {\n res(e.target.result);\n };\n });\n }\n function openCursor() {\n // Occasionally Safari will fail on IDBKeyRange.bound, this\n // catches that error, having it open the cursor to the first\n // item. When it gets data it will advance to the desired key.\n try {\n keyRangeValue = IDBKeyRange.bound(lastCursorId + 1, Infinity);\n return objectStore.openCursor(keyRangeValue);\n } catch (e) {\n return objectStore.openCursor();\n }\n }\n return new Promise(function (res, rej) {\n var openCursorRequest = openCursor();\n openCursorRequest.onerror = function (err) {\n return rej(err);\n };\n openCursorRequest.onsuccess = function (ev) {\n var cursor = ev.target.result;\n if (cursor) {\n if (cursor.value.id < lastCursorId + 1) {\n cursor[\"continue\"](lastCursorId + 1);\n } else {\n ret.push(cursor.value);\n cursor[\"continue\"]();\n }\n } else {\n commitIndexedDBTransaction(tx);\n res(ret);\n }\n };\n });\n}\nexport function removeMessagesById(channelState, ids) {\n if (channelState.closed) {\n return Promise.resolve([]);\n }\n var tx = channelState.db.transaction(OBJECT_STORE_ID, 'readwrite', TRANSACTION_SETTINGS);\n var objectStore = tx.objectStore(OBJECT_STORE_ID);\n return Promise.all(ids.map(function (id) {\n var deleteRequest = objectStore[\"delete\"](id);\n return new Promise(function (res) {\n deleteRequest.onsuccess = function () {\n return res();\n };\n });\n }));\n}\nexport function getOldMessages(db, ttl) {\n var olderThen = Date.now() - ttl;\n var tx = db.transaction(OBJECT_STORE_ID, 'readonly', TRANSACTION_SETTINGS);\n var objectStore = tx.objectStore(OBJECT_STORE_ID);\n var ret = [];\n return new Promise(function (res) {\n objectStore.openCursor().onsuccess = function (ev) {\n var cursor = ev.target.result;\n if (cursor) {\n var msgObk = cursor.value;\n if (msgObk.time < olderThen) {\n ret.push(msgObk);\n //alert(\"Name for SSN \" + cursor.key + \" is \" + cursor.value.name);\n cursor[\"continue\"]();\n } else {\n // no more old messages,\n commitIndexedDBTransaction(tx);\n res(ret);\n }\n } else {\n res(ret);\n }\n };\n });\n}\nexport function cleanOldMessages(channelState) {\n return getOldMessages(channelState.db, channelState.options.idb.ttl).then(function (tooOld) {\n return removeMessagesById(channelState, tooOld.map(function (msg) {\n return msg.id;\n }));\n });\n}\nexport function create(channelName, options) {\n options = fillOptionsWithDefaults(options);\n return createDatabase(channelName).then(function (db) {\n var state = {\n closed: false,\n lastCursorId: 0,\n channelName: channelName,\n options: options,\n uuid: randomToken(),\n /**\n * emittedMessagesIds\n * contains all messages that have been emitted before\n * @type {ObliviousSet}\n */\n eMIs: new ObliviousSet(options.idb.ttl * 2),\n // ensures we do not read messages in parallel\n writeBlockPromise: PROMISE_RESOLVED_VOID,\n messagesCallback: null,\n readQueuePromises: [],\n db: db\n };\n\n /**\n * Handle abrupt closes that do not originate from db.close().\n * This could happen, for example, if the underlying storage is\n * removed or if the user clears the database in the browser's\n * history preferences.\n */\n db.onclose = function () {\n state.closed = true;\n if (options.idb.onclose) options.idb.onclose();\n };\n\n /**\n * if service-workers are used,\n * we have no 'storage'-event if they post a message,\n * therefore we also have to set an interval\n */\n _readLoop(state);\n return state;\n });\n}\nfunction _readLoop(state) {\n if (state.closed) return;\n readNewMessages(state).then(function () {\n return sleep(state.options.idb.fallbackInterval);\n }).then(function () {\n return _readLoop(state);\n });\n}\nfunction _filterMessage(msgObj, state) {\n if (msgObj.uuid === state.uuid) return false; // send by own\n if (state.eMIs.has(msgObj.id)) return false; // already emitted\n if (msgObj.data.time < state.messagesCallbackTime) return false; // older then onMessageCallback\n return true;\n}\n\n/**\n * reads all new messages from the database and emits them\n */\nfunction readNewMessages(state) {\n // channel already closed\n if (state.closed) return PROMISE_RESOLVED_VOID;\n\n // if no one is listening, we do not need to scan for new messages\n if (!state.messagesCallback) return PROMISE_RESOLVED_VOID;\n return getMessagesHigherThan(state.db, state.lastCursorId).then(function (newerMessages) {\n var useMessages = newerMessages\n /**\n * there is a bug in iOS where the msgObj can be undefined sometimes\n * so we filter them out\n * @link https://github.com/pubkey/broadcast-channel/issues/19\n */.filter(function (msgObj) {\n return !!msgObj;\n }).map(function (msgObj) {\n if (msgObj.id > state.lastCursorId) {\n state.lastCursorId = msgObj.id;\n }\n return msgObj;\n }).filter(function (msgObj) {\n return _filterMessage(msgObj, state);\n }).sort(function (msgObjA, msgObjB) {\n return msgObjA.time - msgObjB.time;\n }); // sort by time\n useMessages.forEach(function (msgObj) {\n if (state.messagesCallback) {\n state.eMIs.add(msgObj.id);\n state.messagesCallback(msgObj.data);\n }\n });\n return PROMISE_RESOLVED_VOID;\n });\n}\nexport function close(channelState) {\n channelState.closed = true;\n channelState.db.close();\n}\nexport function postMessage(channelState, messageJson) {\n channelState.writeBlockPromise = channelState.writeBlockPromise.then(function () {\n return writeMessage(channelState.db, channelState.uuid, messageJson);\n }).then(function () {\n if (randomInt(0, 10) === 0) {\n /* await (do not await) */\n cleanOldMessages(channelState);\n }\n });\n return channelState.writeBlockPromise;\n}\nexport function onMessage(channelState, fn, time) {\n channelState.messagesCallbackTime = time;\n channelState.messagesCallback = fn;\n readNewMessages(channelState);\n}\nexport function canBeUsed() {\n return !!getIdb();\n}\nexport function averageResponseTime(options) {\n return options.idb.fallbackInterval * 2;\n}\nexport var IndexedDBMethod = {\n create: create,\n close: close,\n onMessage: onMessage,\n postMessage: postMessage,\n canBeUsed: canBeUsed,\n type: type,\n averageResponseTime: averageResponseTime,\n microSeconds: microSeconds\n};","/**\n * A localStorage-only method which uses localstorage and its 'storage'-event\n * This does not work inside webworkers because they have no access to localstorage\n * This is basically implemented to support IE9 or your grandmother's toaster.\n * @link https://caniuse.com/#feat=namevalue-storage\n * @link https://caniuse.com/#feat=indexeddb\n */\n\nimport { ObliviousSet } from 'oblivious-set';\nimport { fillOptionsWithDefaults } from '../options.js';\nimport { sleep, randomToken, microSeconds as micro } from '../util.js';\nexport var microSeconds = micro;\nvar KEY_PREFIX = 'pubkey.broadcastChannel-';\nexport var type = 'localstorage';\n\n/**\n * copied from crosstab\n * @link https://github.com/tejacques/crosstab/blob/master/src/crosstab.js#L32\n */\nexport function getLocalStorage() {\n var localStorage;\n if (typeof window === 'undefined') return null;\n try {\n localStorage = window.localStorage;\n localStorage = window['ie8-eventlistener/storage'] || window.localStorage;\n } catch (e) {\n // New versions of Firefox throw a Security exception\n // if cookies are disabled. See\n // https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1028153\n }\n return localStorage;\n}\nexport function storageKey(channelName) {\n return KEY_PREFIX + channelName;\n}\n\n/**\n* writes the new message to the storage\n* and fires the storage-event so other readers can find it\n*/\nexport function postMessage(channelState, messageJson) {\n return new Promise(function (res) {\n sleep().then(function () {\n var key = storageKey(channelState.channelName);\n var writeObj = {\n token: randomToken(),\n time: Date.now(),\n data: messageJson,\n uuid: channelState.uuid\n };\n var value = JSON.stringify(writeObj);\n getLocalStorage().setItem(key, value);\n\n /**\n * StorageEvent does not fire the 'storage' event\n * in the window that changes the state of the local storage.\n * So we fire it manually\n */\n var ev = document.createEvent('Event');\n ev.initEvent('storage', true, true);\n ev.key = key;\n ev.newValue = value;\n window.dispatchEvent(ev);\n res();\n });\n });\n}\nexport function addStorageEventListener(channelName, fn) {\n var key = storageKey(channelName);\n var listener = function listener(ev) {\n if (ev.key === key) {\n fn(JSON.parse(ev.newValue));\n }\n };\n window.addEventListener('storage', listener);\n return listener;\n}\nexport function removeStorageEventListener(listener) {\n window.removeEventListener('storage', listener);\n}\nexport function create(channelName, options) {\n options = fillOptionsWithDefaults(options);\n if (!canBeUsed()) {\n throw new Error('BroadcastChannel: localstorage cannot be used');\n }\n var uuid = randomToken();\n\n /**\n * eMIs\n * contains all messages that have been emitted before\n * @type {ObliviousSet}\n */\n var eMIs = new ObliviousSet(options.localstorage.removeTimeout);\n var state = {\n channelName: channelName,\n uuid: uuid,\n eMIs: eMIs // emittedMessagesIds\n };\n\n state.listener = addStorageEventListener(channelName, function (msgObj) {\n if (!state.messagesCallback) return; // no listener\n if (msgObj.uuid === uuid) return; // own message\n if (!msgObj.token || eMIs.has(msgObj.token)) return; // already emitted\n if (msgObj.data.time && msgObj.data.time < state.messagesCallbackTime) return; // too old\n\n eMIs.add(msgObj.token);\n state.messagesCallback(msgObj.data);\n });\n return state;\n}\nexport function close(channelState) {\n removeStorageEventListener(channelState.listener);\n}\nexport function onMessage(channelState, fn, time) {\n channelState.messagesCallbackTime = time;\n channelState.messagesCallback = fn;\n}\nexport function canBeUsed() {\n var ls = getLocalStorage();\n if (!ls) return false;\n try {\n var key = '__broadcastchannel_check';\n ls.setItem(key, 'works');\n ls.removeItem(key);\n } catch (e) {\n // Safari 10 in private mode will not allow write access to local\n // storage and fail with a QuotaExceededError. See\n // https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Web_Storage_API#Private_Browsing_Incognito_modes\n return false;\n }\n return true;\n}\nexport function averageResponseTime() {\n var defaultTime = 120;\n var userAgent = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase();\n if (userAgent.includes('safari') && !userAgent.includes('chrome')) {\n // safari is much slower so this time is higher\n return defaultTime * 2;\n }\n return defaultTime;\n}\nexport var LocalstorageMethod = {\n create: create,\n close: close,\n onMessage: onMessage,\n postMessage: postMessage,\n canBeUsed: canBeUsed,\n type: type,\n averageResponseTime: averageResponseTime,\n microSeconds: microSeconds\n};","import { microSeconds as micro } from '../util.js';\nexport var microSeconds = micro;\nexport var type = 'simulate';\nvar SIMULATE_CHANNELS = new Set();\nexport function create(channelName) {\n var state = {\n name: channelName,\n messagesCallback: null\n };\n SIMULATE_CHANNELS.add(state);\n return state;\n}\nexport function close(channelState) {\n SIMULATE_CHANNELS[\"delete\"](channelState);\n}\nexport function postMessage(channelState, messageJson) {\n return new Promise(function (res) {\n return setTimeout(function () {\n var channelArray = Array.from(SIMULATE_CHANNELS);\n channelArray.filter(function (channel) {\n return channel.name === channelState.name;\n }).filter(function (channel) {\n return channel !== channelState;\n }).filter(function (channel) {\n return !!channel.messagesCallback;\n }).forEach(function (channel) {\n return channel.messagesCallback(messageJson);\n });\n res();\n }, 5);\n });\n}\nexport function onMessage(channelState, fn) {\n channelState.messagesCallback = fn;\n}\nexport function canBeUsed() {\n return true;\n}\nexport function averageResponseTime() {\n return 5;\n}\nexport var SimulateMethod = {\n create: create,\n close: close,\n onMessage: onMessage,\n postMessage: postMessage,\n canBeUsed: canBeUsed,\n type: type,\n averageResponseTime: averageResponseTime,\n microSeconds: microSeconds\n};","import { NativeMethod } from './methods/native.js';\nimport { IndexedDBMethod } from './methods/indexed-db.js';\nimport { LocalstorageMethod } from './methods/localstorage.js';\nimport { SimulateMethod } from './methods/simulate.js';\n// the line below will be removed from es5/browser builds\n\n// order is important\nvar METHODS = [NativeMethod,\n// fastest\nIndexedDBMethod, LocalstorageMethod];\nexport function chooseMethod(options) {\n var chooseMethods = [].concat(options.methods, METHODS).filter(Boolean);\n\n // the line below will be removed from es5/browser builds\n\n // directly chosen\n if (options.type) {\n if (options.type === 'simulate') {\n // only use simulate-method if directly chosen\n return SimulateMethod;\n }\n var ret = chooseMethods.find(function (m) {\n return m.type === options.type;\n });\n if (!ret) throw new Error('method-type ' + options.type + ' not found');else return ret;\n }\n\n /**\n * if no webworker support is needed,\n * remove idb from the list so that localstorage will be chosen\n */\n if (!options.webWorkerSupport) {\n chooseMethods = chooseMethods.filter(function (m) {\n return m.type !== 'idb';\n });\n }\n var useMethod = chooseMethods.find(function (method) {\n return method.canBeUsed();\n });\n if (!useMethod) {\n throw new Error(\"No usable method found in \" + JSON.stringify(METHODS.map(function (m) {\n return m.type;\n })));\n } else {\n return useMethod;\n }\n}","import { isPromise, PROMISE_RESOLVED_FALSE, PROMISE_RESOLVED_VOID } from './util.js';\nimport { chooseMethod } from './method-chooser.js';\nimport { fillOptionsWithDefaults } from './options.js';\n\n/**\n * Contains all open channels,\n * used in tests to ensure everything is closed.\n */\nexport var OPEN_BROADCAST_CHANNELS = new Set();\nvar lastId = 0;\nexport var BroadcastChannel = function BroadcastChannel(name, options) {\n // identifier of the channel to debug stuff\n this.id = lastId++;\n OPEN_BROADCAST_CHANNELS.add(this);\n this.name = name;\n if (ENFORCED_OPTIONS) {\n options = ENFORCED_OPTIONS;\n }\n this.options = fillOptionsWithDefaults(options);\n this.method = chooseMethod(this.options);\n\n // isListening\n this._iL = false;\n\n /**\n * _onMessageListener\n * setting onmessage twice,\n * will overwrite the first listener\n */\n this._onML = null;\n\n /**\n * _addEventListeners\n */\n this._addEL = {\n message: [],\n internal: []\n };\n\n /**\n * Unsent message promises\n * where the sending is still in progress\n * @type {Set}\n */\n this._uMP = new Set();\n\n /**\n * _beforeClose\n * array of promises that will be awaited\n * before the channel is closed\n */\n this._befC = [];\n\n /**\n * _preparePromise\n */\n this._prepP = null;\n _prepareChannel(this);\n};\n\n// STATICS\n\n/**\n * used to identify if someone overwrites\n * window.BroadcastChannel with this\n * See methods/native.js\n */\nBroadcastChannel._pubkey = true;\n\n/**\n * clears the tmp-folder if is node\n * @return {Promise} true if has run, false if not node\n */\nexport function clearNodeFolder(options) {\n options = fillOptionsWithDefaults(options);\n var method = chooseMethod(options);\n if (method.type === 'node') {\n return method.clearNodeFolder().then(function () {\n return true;\n });\n } else {\n return PROMISE_RESOLVED_FALSE;\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * if set, this method is enforced,\n * no mather what the options are\n */\nvar ENFORCED_OPTIONS;\nexport function enforceOptions(options) {\n ENFORCED_OPTIONS = options;\n}\n\n// PROTOTYPE\nBroadcastChannel.prototype = {\n postMessage: function postMessage(msg) {\n if (this.closed) {\n throw new Error('BroadcastChannel.postMessage(): ' + 'Cannot post message after channel has closed ' +\n /**\n * In the past when this error appeared, it was really hard to debug.\n * So now we log the msg together with the error so it at least\n * gives some clue about where in your application this happens.\n */\n JSON.stringify(msg));\n }\n return _post(this, 'message', msg);\n },\n postInternal: function postInternal(msg) {\n return _post(this, 'internal', msg);\n },\n set onmessage(fn) {\n var time = this.method.microSeconds();\n var listenObj = {\n time: time,\n fn: fn\n };\n _removeListenerObject(this, 'message', this._onML);\n if (fn && typeof fn === 'function') {\n this._onML = listenObj;\n _addListenerObject(this, 'message', listenObj);\n } else {\n this._onML = null;\n }\n },\n addEventListener: function addEventListener(type, fn) {\n var time = this.method.microSeconds();\n var listenObj = {\n time: time,\n fn: fn\n };\n _addListenerObject(this, type, listenObj);\n },\n removeEventListener: function removeEventListener(type, fn) {\n var obj = this._addEL[type].find(function (obj) {\n return obj.fn === fn;\n });\n _removeListenerObject(this, type, obj);\n },\n close: function close() {\n var _this = this;\n if (this.closed) {\n return;\n }\n OPEN_BROADCAST_CHANNELS[\"delete\"](this);\n this.closed = true;\n var awaitPrepare = this._prepP ? this._prepP : PROMISE_RESOLVED_VOID;\n this._onML = null;\n this._addEL.message = [];\n return awaitPrepare\n // wait until all current sending are processed\n .then(function () {\n return Promise.all(Array.from(_this._uMP));\n })\n // run before-close hooks\n .then(function () {\n return Promise.all(_this._befC.map(function (fn) {\n return fn();\n }));\n })\n // close the channel\n .then(function () {\n return _this.method.close(_this._state);\n });\n },\n get type() {\n return this.method.type;\n },\n get isClosed() {\n return this.closed;\n }\n};\n\n/**\n * Post a message over the channel\n * @returns {Promise} that resolved when the message sending is done\n */\nfunction _post(broadcastChannel, type, msg) {\n var time = broadcastChannel.method.microSeconds();\n var msgObj = {\n time: time,\n type: type,\n data: msg\n };\n var awaitPrepare = broadcastChannel._prepP ? broadcastChannel._prepP : PROMISE_RESOLVED_VOID;\n return awaitPrepare.then(function () {\n var sendPromise = broadcastChannel.method.postMessage(broadcastChannel._state, msgObj);\n\n // add/remove to unsent messages list\n broadcastChannel._uMP.add(sendPromise);\n sendPromise[\"catch\"]().then(function () {\n return broadcastChannel._uMP[\"delete\"](sendPromise);\n });\n return sendPromise;\n });\n}\nfunction _prepareChannel(channel) {\n var maybePromise = channel.method.create(channel.name, channel.options);\n if (isPromise(maybePromise)) {\n channel._prepP = maybePromise;\n maybePromise.then(function (s) {\n // used in tests to simulate slow runtime\n /*if (channel.options.prepareDelay) {\n await new Promise(res => setTimeout(res, this.options.prepareDelay));\n }*/\n channel._state = s;\n });\n } else {\n channel._state = maybePromise;\n }\n}\nfunction _hasMessageListeners(channel) {\n if (channel._addEL.message.length > 0) return true;\n if (channel._addEL.internal.length > 0) return true;\n return false;\n}\nfunction _addListenerObject(channel, type, obj) {\n channel._addEL[type].push(obj);\n _startListening(channel);\n}\nfunction _removeListenerObject(channel, type, obj) {\n channel._addEL[type] = channel._addEL[type].filter(function (o) {\n return o !== obj;\n });\n _stopListening(channel);\n}\nfunction _startListening(channel) {\n if (!channel._iL && _hasMessageListeners(channel)) {\n // someone is listening, start subscribing\n\n var listenerFn = function listenerFn(msgObj) {\n channel._addEL[msgObj.type].forEach(function (listenerObject) {\n /**\n * Getting the current time in JavaScript has no good precision.\n * So instead of only listening to events that happened 'after' the listener\n * was added, we also listen to events that happened 100ms before it.\n * This ensures that when another process, like a WebWorker, sends events\n * we do not miss them out because their timestamp is a bit off compared to the main process.\n * Not doing this would make messages missing when we send data directly after subscribing and awaiting a response.\n * @link https://johnresig.com/blog/accuracy-of-javascript-time/\n */\n var hundredMsInMicro = 100 * 1000;\n var minMessageTime = listenerObject.time - hundredMsInMicro;\n if (msgObj.time >= minMessageTime) {\n listenerObject.fn(msgObj.data);\n }\n });\n };\n var time = channel.method.microSeconds();\n if (channel._prepP) {\n channel._prepP.then(function () {\n channel._iL = true;\n channel.method.onMessage(channel._state, listenerFn, time);\n });\n } else {\n channel._iL = true;\n channel.method.onMessage(channel._state, listenerFn, time);\n }\n }\n}\nfunction _stopListening(channel) {\n if (channel._iL && !_hasMessageListeners(channel)) {\n // no one is listening, stop subscribing\n channel._iL = false;\n var time = channel.method.microSeconds();\n channel.method.onMessage(channel._state, null, time);\n }\n}","import { Link, useSearchParams } from 'react-router-dom';\r\nimport React, { useEffect, useState } from 'react';\r\nimport { useDispatch } from 'react-redux';\r\nimport { Row, Col, Modal, Button } from 'react-bootstrap';\r\nimport AccountLayout from './AccountLayout';\r\nimport { useTranslation } from 'react-i18next';\r\nimport { logoutUser } from '../../redux/actions';\r\nimport { LoginURL, accountLogout } from '../../constants/apiConstants';\r\nimport logoutIcon from '../../assets/images/logout-icon.svg';\r\nimport { BroadcastChannel } from 'broadcast-channel';\r\n\r\nconst logoutChannel = new BroadcastChannel('logout');\r\n\r\nconst onLogInClick = () => {\r\n window.location.href = LoginURL;\r\n};\r\n\r\nconst BottomLink = () => {\r\n const { t } = useTranslation();\r\n return (\r\n \r\n
\r\n {t('Back to ')}\r\n \r\n {t('Log In')}\r\n \r\n